Which part of a house is the source of over one third of all homeowner’s insurance claims?
If you answered “the roof,” you’re right on the money!
A leaky roof is not just annoying, but can also lead to all sorts of problems; dampness and mould resulting from a leak will threaten your home’s structural soundness, as well as your physical health.
Water leaks can even get into your electrical system, where it may cause power outages and fire hazards. Having a professional inspect your roof will pinpoint potential problems before they become serious.
Why Do You Need a Professional Roof Inspection?
The purpose of a roof inspection is threefold- to assess which repairs are needed, if any; to estimate the roof’s remaining lifespan.
When you are in the process of purchasing a house, don’t expect your home inspector to thoroughly check the roof. Although the inspector will point out any trouble signs visible from the ground, the home inspector will not perform a rooftop inspection and cannot give you an estimate of how much longer you can reasonably expect the roof to last. That is the task that A.M.J can help you with!
When Should Your Roof Be Inspected?
1) As part of routine household preventive maintenance. We need to get regular check ups to ensure our health is in tip top shape and so does your roof!;
2) Following a major storm, such as a hailstorm or hurricane, to verify whether there has been damage to your roof and allow you to make an insurance claim, if applicable, within the deadline;
3) After a new roof has been installed to ensure that the work has been completed according to your area’s building code; an
4) When you are preparing to sell your home, or are interested in purchasing a new property.