It’s no secret that asbestos poses significant health and safety risks, and if you’re a homeowner in Brisbane, the idea of asbestos lurking in your roof can be unsettling, to say the least. But, alongside the potential health implications, there are many other reasons why replacing an old asbestos roof needs to be high on your list of priorities.
For instance, having asbestos in your roof can affect both the saleability and price of your home. It can also weigh down the structure of your home over time, potentially causing structural issues that result in expensive repairs further down the line. Likewise, homes with asbestos roofing can’t simply be patched up in the same way as other materials, making repairs pretty costly. But that’s not all! Homes with asbestos roofing can also face restrictions on using tank water, as the asbestos fibres could contaminate the water supply.
With all of these concerns in mind, if you’re at a point where the very presence of asbestos makes you uncomfortable, it’s time to think about asbestos roof replacements.